Original Article
  • A Study on Properties of the Glass Fiber Reinforced PPS Composites for Automotive Headlight Source Module
  • Kwang-Yeol Heo*, Sung-Min Park*, Eun-Soo Lee*, Myung-Soon Kim*, Ji-Hyun Sim*, Jin-Seok Bae**†
  • * Korea Dyeing & Finishing Technology Institute, Daegu, Korea; **† Department of Textile System Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
  • 자동차 전조등 광원 모듈용 유리섬유강화 PPS 복합재료 특성 연구
  • 허광열* · 박성민* · 이은수* · 김명순* · 심지현* · 배진석**†
In this paper, Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic (GFRTP) for automotive headlight source module was fabricated by compounding and injection molding using PPS (Poly Phenylene Sulfide) resin with glass fiber which has three cross section (round type, cocoon type, flat type). Tensile, flexural, impact properties were investigated on effect of cross section, glass fiber contents. And it was observed flatness, dimensional stability, fluidity depending on glass fiber cross section. As a result, flat glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic's mechanical properties were most excellent. Also, dimensional stability and flatness showed better results when using flat glass fiber.

본 연구에서는 PPS(Polyphenylene sulfide) 수지와 단면이 원형(round type), 누에형(cocoon type), 플랫형(flat type)인 3종류의 유리섬유를 사용하여 컴파운딩 및 사출을 통해 차량 전조등 광원 모듈용 유리섬유 강화 열가소성 플라스틱(glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic : GFRTP)을 제조하였다. 섬유 단면형태 및 함유량에 따른 효과를 알아보기 위해 인장, 굴곡, 충격 특성을 평가하였고, 단면에 따른 유동성, 형태안정성 및 평탄성을 관찰하였다. 그 결과 플랫 단면의 유리섬유를 사용했을 때 기계적 특성이 가장 우수했고 섬유함유량이 증가할수록 강도가 향상되는 경향을 보였다. 또한, 형태안정성, 평탄성의 경우에도 플랫 단면 섬유 사용 시 더 좋은 결과를 나타내었다.

Keywords: Polyphenylene sulfide, Flat glass fiber, Glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics, Compounding, Injection molding

Keywords: PPS, 플랫 유리섬유, GFRTP, 컴파운딩, 사출성형

This Article

  • 2016; 29(5): 293-298

    Published on Oct 31, 2016

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