Original Article
  • Investigation of the Effect of Seaweed Nanofibers in Jute Fiber-reinforced Composites as an Additive
  • Jae-Cheol Kim, Dong-Woo Lee, Jung-Il Song
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon-si, 51140, Korea, The Research Institute of Mechatronics, Changwon National University, Changwon-si, 51140, Korea
  • 해초 나노섬유가 황마섬유 강화 복합재료의 기계적 물성에 미치는 영향
  • 김재철, 이동우, 송정일
Recently, environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, ecosystem disturbance of micro-plastics and human body accumulation are becoming big problems. In order to replace the traditional plastic, eco-friendly resin and natural fiber-based composite materials have been developed, but they have a disadvantage that their mechanical properties are significantly lower than those of synthetic fiber-based composites. In this study, eco - friendly nanofiber was extracted from seaweed and used as an additive in order to improve the mechanical properties of jute fiberreinforced composites. Through the hand lay-up process, the composites were fabricated, and it was confirmed that the nanofiber was effective in improving the mechanical properties of natural fiber composites through tensile, bending and drop weight impact tests.

최근 플라스틱 폐기물로 인한 환경오염, 미세플라스틱의 생태계 교란 및 인체축적이 큰 문제로 떠오르고 있다. 이를 대체하기 위하여 친환경 수지 및 천연섬유 기반의 복합재료가 개발되어 왔으나 합성섬유 기반의 복합재료에 비하여 기계적 물성이 크게 떨어진다는 단점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 천연섬유인 황마섬유(jute fiber)의 기계적 물성을 향상시키기 위하여 해초로부터 친환경 나노섬유를 추출 후 첨가제로 사용하였다. 핸드 레이업 공정을 이용하여 복합재료를 제조하였으며, 인장, 굽힘, 낙추충격시험을 통하여 나노섬유가 천연섬유 복합재료의 기계적 물성 향상에 효과적임을 확인할 수 있었다.

Keywords: Seaweed nano fiber, Hand layup, Jute fiber-reinforced composites, Mechanical property, Additive

Keywords: 해초나노섬유, 핸드 레이업, 황마섬유 강화 복합재료, 기계적 물성, 첨가제

This Article

  • 2018; 31(6): 398-403

    Published on Dec 31, 2018

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